Posted Date: June 24, 2020

Diploma or S1 graduate in visual communication design Min.  year experience Strong time management skills Creative and ready dor challenges Exvellent written communication skills in English Proficient in video software Proficient in adobe family esp photoshop and illustrator Having skill in photography will be an advantage    

Tangung Jawab Pekerjaan

Membuat design Membuat ide promo Content  Instagram, Poster, Menu dll


Diploma or S1 graduate in visual communication design Min.  year experience Strong time management skills Creative and ready dor challenges Exvellent written communication skills in English Proficient in video software Proficient in adobe family esp photoshop and illustrator Having skill in photography will be an advantage    


Diploma or S1 graduate in visual communication design Min.  year experience Strong time management skills Creative and ready dor challenges Exvellent written communication skills in English Proficient in video software Proficient in adobe family esp photoshop and illustrator Having skill in photography will be an advantage    


minimal pengalaman 1 tahun


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