Posted Date: August 16, 2022

We're looking for accounting officer, which perform with accounting records to general ledger & financial reports. Having knowledge about tax policies, can handle tax payment and returns. Capable with administrative work, filing system & correspondence

Tangung Jawab Pekerjaan

Maintain and update accounting records and files Examine tax policies and handle tax payments and returns Responsible for all administrative works, documents with filing system and correspondence  


Male / Female max 30 years old Minimum bachelor degree (S-1) in accounting Has minimum 2 years experience in accounting field Able to maintain accounting records to genenal ledger & financial reports Familiar with zahir system or similar Able to examine tax policies, handle tax payments and returns Capable with administrative work & correspondence Able to manage document and filling      


Expert in accounting work Knowledge in tax policies and having a brevet certificate is a plus Computer literate, especially in MS office Word and Excel; very good with spreadsheets Fluent in English both spoken & written is a plus


2 years in accounting field


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