PT. Anugrah Petrindo Moratama

PT Anugrah Petrindo Moratama engaged in designing, manufacturing, steel fabrication, supplying, installing service, refurbishing of products, tools, and parts for general industries. PT Anugrah Petrindo Moratama has focused on helping equipment owners save money without risk to reliability. We continue to build of manufacturing experience with Quality Products, Innovation in engineering, Service and Support to our customers.

Profile Perusahaan

Perusahaan Bergerak dibidang : Industri Mesin / Peralatan Otomatisasi
Jumlah Karyawan : 1 - 50
Alamat : Jl. Raya Narogong KM.9 Yayasan Nurul Huda No.35 Bantargebang Bekasi 17151
Jakarta Barat
Website :

Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT. Anugrah Petrindo Moratama