Nomia Restaurant

"NOMIA is the no.1 fusion food eatery from Jogja city that brings this new genre of F&B business, where people can get unique eating and drinking experience with more affordable price. Here, we focused on serving the best mix-cultured comfort food and fun mocktail beverages pairing with an elegant, artisan, and a little touch of unique presentation. We want to make our customers feel proud to come and be part of NOMIA's journey, while also giving the society hints about our value that "experience" is one of the most sensational way of sharing."

Profile Perusahaan

Perusahaan Bergerak dibidang : Makanan dan Minuman / Katering
Jumlah Karyawan : 1 - 50
Alamat : Jl Papaya, Klitren, Gondokusuman
Kota Yogyakarta
Website :

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