KB Insurance

It was established with name PT. LG Simas General Insurance on May 28, 1997. In 1999 we changed our name to be PT. LG Insurance Indonesia. For the first time our Shareholders increased basic capital in the same year. By September 14, 2006; alteration name occurred from PT. LG Insurance Indonesia to be PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia. PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia, a joint venture general insurance company between LIG Insurance Co. Ltd., Korea and PT Asuransi Sinar Mas, Indonesia. 2015 is very meaningful moment, in which we put an end to an era of PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia and pledge to develop into a leading company while entering our new role with PT. KB INSURANCE INDONESIA. Since our founding 1997 in Indonesia Jakarta, KB Finance group is the biggest finance group in Korea (www.kbfg.com).

Profile Perusahaan

Perusahaan Bergerak dibidang : Asuransi
Jumlah Karyawan : 101 - 500
Alamat : Sinar Mas Land Plaza Tower II, 25 Floor. Jl. M.H Thamrin Kav 51. Jakarta Pusat, 10350.
Jakarta Pusat
Website : http://www.kbinsure.co.id/

Lowongan Pekerjaan di KB Insurance