Part time Kindergarten and Primary school Teachers

Posted Date: November 24, 2023

We are setting up a safe and fun place for helping working parents to entrusted the kids in the right hand. Tuition and enrichment is part of our program, we are doing homework help, tutoring for study group, making learning process become fun. We would love to have educators to work together with us Our vision is to empower the next generation to discover their potential and to thrive in life Our mission to nurture individual growth by providing relevant teaching and training programs.  

Tangung Jawab Pekerjaan

Job description: Tuition Preparing lessons Teaching Communicate with parents Mark student’s assignments Give positive feedbacks to learners


Requirements: Female/male Love children Honest Creative Teachable Hard worker Have a good teamwork


Love children Love to teach Minimum fresh graduated Diploma


Minimal lulusan Diploma


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